Monday, October 5, 2009

Woman Hollering...

For this blog discussion, we're temporarily departing from our usual close analysis of the fiction to turn our sights on literary criticism. As we modeled in class with our analysis of Dr. Limón's reading of "I Am Joaquín," you will use your blog discussion to analyze Sonia Saldívar-Hull's "Woman Hollering Transfronteriza Feminism."
The OED defines "analysis" as:
1. The resolution or breaking up of anything complex into its various simple elements, the opposite process to synthesis; the exact determination of the elements or components of anything complex (with or without their physical separation).
The task of analyzing a critical piece such as Saldívar-Hull's then relies on taking the argument apart in order to determine how she arrives at her argument. With that in mind, I'll offer the following as a summary of her argument, and in your posts, you will either offer at least one claim that she uses to back up this argument OR identify what you think the argument is, how it diverges from the summary I've offered, and, again, at least one claim that supports that reasoning.
Saldívar-Hull's Argument: "Woman Hollering Creek" fictionally articulates a Chicana feminism that simultaneously decenters predominantly white feminisms and destabilizes class assumptions.

Remember: Identify at least one claim and explain how it works to structure the argument.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Saldívar-Hull's article exemplifies the claim of decentralizing "white" feminism and destabilizing class assumptions. She states that "through the power of the media"--telenovelas, revistas femininas, fotonovelas--they generate "social identities" and "consumerism". Typically, one would think that white women in the United States would be the only ones prone to consumerism, but Mexicanas are every bit as susceptible into believing the fairy-tale romances within novelas. Also, there is a "reverse in social mobility" for Cleófilas; by being poor and her husband not promising the TV she wanted to watch her telenovelas from, she turns to fotonovelas instead. She also goes on to say that minorities are at "greater risk of economic exploitation and domestic abuse as a result of race and class inequalities."
